What is WarmSculpting with SculpSure
SculpSure™ is the newest, most innovative body contouring and fat removal system that removes stubborn fat with laser energy. FDA-approved, non-invasive and painless, SculpSure is a safer alternative to liposuction, with laser energy heating fat cells and surrounding tissues, causing permanent destruction.
This exclusive body contouring treatment allows your body to naturally remove fat cells, leaving the treated area flat, firm and tight. SculpSure also produces collagen and elastin – the two necessary building blocks for youthful, healthy skin – leaving your skin looking firmer and younger.
Dr. Banta and Stone Oak Dermatology are one of the first offices in Texas to proudly offer this revolutionary body contouring treatment. Dr. Banta selects all procedures carefully based on effectiveness and patient safety. In just 25 minutes, the SculpSure 1060 nm laser energy system can efficiently treat troublesome fat areas – without surgery or long recovery times associated with traditional methods like liposuction.
And unlike CoolSculpting® that freezes fat cells, as well as can cause discomfort and possible nerve damage, SculpSure uses gentle heat to release fat cells from the tissue, naturally eliminating them from the body. SculpSure also has the ability to treat multiple areas in one treatment – in half the time of a CoolSculpting treatment. Click here to read Sculpsure vs Fat Freezing Infographic
- FDA Approved
- Completely Non-Surgical and Non-Invasive
- No Anesthesia
- Painless
- 25 Minutes
- No Downtime
Many of our patients see results after just six weeks of treatment. Call Stone Oak Dermatology to learn more and find out if SculpSure body contouring is right for you here in San Antonio, TX today!.