Start Hydrating Early
Skin hydration is essential to making your skin look and feel youthful. More hydration means regulated oil production, which can reduce acne breakouts, and greater protection from sun damage. At the same time, boosting skin hydration in preparation for fall can help reduce dryness and itchiness that many experience as the temperature falls.
Opt for a moisturizer that has collagen, elastin, or aloe in it to soothe and boost the skin. The change of the season can also be a good time to book an appointment with your dermatologist and ask for product recommendations.
Avoid Harsh Chemicals
Many skincare products look appealing and smell wonderful, but they are filled with fragrances and other ingredients that can damage your skin. As part of your fall skincare routine, consider switching to mineral makeup, naturally derived skincare products, and gentle cleansers.
Don’t Forget Lip Balm
As fall approaches, many find themselves struggling with chronically dry, chapped lips. A high-quality balm with a beeswax base is excellent for protecting and moisturizing the lips.
Beeswax also has antimicrobial properties, which means it can prevent the spread of bacteria, some viral particles, and other microorganisms.
Upgrade Your Sunscreen
While we think of sunscreen as a summer staple, it actually has major benefits year-round. If you aren’t currently using sunscreen daily, now is a great time to start. Add sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher to your fall skincare routine to give your face, neck, arms, and hands additional protection throughout the season.
Take Care of Your Skin With a Board-Certified Dermatologist
At Stone Oak Dermatology, Dr. Linda J. Banta treats every patient like family. With more than 30 years of experience, she is highly qualified in all areas of dermatology and welcomes you to reach out if you have any skin concerns. Her physician’s assistant, Steven Blakeley, is board-certified and loves helping his patients of all ages address conditions like psoriasis, eczema, contact dermatitis, and more.
To schedule an appointment, please submit a form online or call Stone Oak Dermatology in San Antonio, TX, at 210-494-0504.