New Technologies in Liposuction

Lingerie always makes a woman feel sexy If you have stubborn unwanted fat, you might have considered liposuction before. This surgical procedure involves suctioning out excess fat through a thin tube attached to a vacuum. Because it’s one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures, liposuction techniques have improved over time. Newer liposuction trends, like ultrasound and laser-assisted devices, deliver more precise results than ever.

However, liposuction isn’t the only treatment that has advanced. For many patients who have excess fat but don’t want surgery, non-invasive body contouring treatments are taking the place of liposuction.

At Stone Oak Dermatology, Dr. Linda Banta offers one of the most innovative body sculpting treatments available. SculpSure® WarmSculpting™ is an incredible FDA-approved non-surgical alternative to liposuction. 

Is WarmSculpting an Effective Liposuction Alternative?

CoolSculpting® might be a more widely known treatment, but WarmSculpting with SculpSure could be the next big thing in body contouring. This non-invasive treatment uses laser energy to heat fat cells and eliminate them without impacting the surrounding tissue. WarmSculpting is a much more comfortable treatment option if you’re sensitive to cold.

Additionally, WarmSculpting can treat multiple areas in one treatment, and unlike CoolSculpting, those areas aren’t limited by the size of the device applicator. If you’re near your goal weight but have some spots that don’t respond to diet or exercise, WarmSculpting can remove 24% of fat cells in the treated area. These impressive results make it a great alternative to liposuction.

Is Liposuction or WarmSculpting Right for Me?

Both WarmSculpting and liposuction are effective ways to reduce body fat, but liposuction may offer more dramatic results. The trade-off is a longer recovery time and some pain after the procedure. Patients typically need one to two weeks of downtime after liposuction, with an additional two to three weeks before they can return to more strenuous activities.

WarmSculpting offers noticeable, natural-looking results with no recovery period. In addition, the treatment is virtually painless and takes just 25 minutes. WarmSculpting also has the benefit of stimulating collagen and elastin production, which promotes firmer, tighter skin.

Book Your WarmSculpting Consultation in San Antonio

At Stone Oak Dermatology in San Antonio, Texas, board-certified dermatologist Dr. Banta provides WarmSculpting as a safe and effective alternative to liposuction or CoolSculpting. If you’re ready to say goodbye to stubborn fat without putting a pause on your busy life, call 210-494-0504 to book a consultation.

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